How to Drive Aware Near Semi-Trucks

Erik • December 1, 2017

Certain things can make us nervous when we drive. Whether it’s a bicyclist on a narrow road, wet pavement, or unfamiliar areas, driving in stressful or unusual situations can feel uncomfortable. One situation we all encounter often on the road, especially on the highway, is driving near trucks. Trucks play an important role in our economy and infrastructure and are a frequent sight on the highway. Sharing the road with them, though, can sometimes be a challenge. The key to driving safely around trucks to be aware.

1. Be aware that truckers have limited visibility

The first thing to keep in mind when driving near trucks is the limit of a truck driver’s vision. Trucks are big and have big blind spots. Probably the most important thing you can do when driving around a truck is to stay out of its blind spots. This includes staying alongside a truck, behind it, or too close in front of it. As a rule of thumb, if you cannot see the driver’s face, he or she probably can’t see you either. This can be a problem and lead to a truck accident if a car is in a truck’s blind spot when the truck driver decides to change lanes or turn. So if you need to get near a truck to pass it, make sure you have enough room to pass and get out of its blind spots quickly.

2. Give trucks plenty of room when passing

The next key is to give plenty of room when passing. If a car merges right in front of a truck, it could lead to a truck accident. Truck drivers can’t see what is right in front of their tall front ends. They also can’t stop as quickly as a smaller vehicle, so they need additional open space in front of them.

In general, give a truck room. That includes staying far enough back when following a truck and anticipating wide turns and keeping the necessary amount of space.

3. Stay calm

Although driving near trucks can feel nerve-wracking, the key is to stay calm and know the spots to avoid. If you do experience a truck accident in Las Vegas , be sure to find a truck accident lawyer you can trust. Truck accidents are among the most serious, so you need serious counsel. First, do your part by driving safely. On rare occasions when something goes wrong, seek out a good lawyer you can trust to help with the rest.

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